Friday, March 6, 2015

OB Weekly News 3-6

6- Early Dismissal, 1:15p.m.-Records Day 
Passport Night, 6:30-8:30p.m.
8- Daylight Savings- SPRING FORWARD!
10- Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-8p.m.
12- Early Dismissal, 1:15p.m.- P/T Conferences 

Quarter 3 ends
Parent Teacher Conferences, 1:15-7p.m. 
13- NO SCHOOL- Conference Compensation 
16-20 NO SCHOOL- Spring Break
25- Walk in the Park
27- Quarterly Newsletter goes home

No After-School Activities the week of Parent/Teachers Conferences or the week of Spring Break!

No Cell Phone Use (including Texting) on the school parking lot during arrival and dismissal. Let’s all focus on the children and adults helping them. Please make sure that you are pulling into any open parking spaces in the middle or backing into them along the side fence! If you are parked, you must walk your child through the moving traffic. Children must be moving accompanied through the parking lot while other cars are dropping off.

Olweus Bully Prevention Survey
Like last year, we will be giving the Olweus Bully Prevention Survey to our third and fourth grade students next week. To see a sample of the online questionnaire, go to and enter the following: 
Username: eSampleSurvey
Password: Olweus
If you don't want your child to take the survey please let the classroom teacher know.

Nurse’s Notes
As the school nurse at Old Bonhomme, the health of our students is my number one priority. Cold and flu season is in full swing, and we are seeing a multitude of illnesses in our school, from the common cold to strep throat. Keeping sick children home until they have been symptom free for 24 hours is one way we can help stop the spread of germs in our school. Reminding children to "catch their coughs" and to wash their hands frequently can help as well. I work closely with the St. Louis County Health Department, so please know that if there are any illnesses which may impact your family's health, you will be notified promptly. Thanks for your help in keeping our students healthy!

A huge OBPTO thank you to Abeles and Hoffman, P.C. for their time in helping the OBPTO with our taxes this year. Eli Abeles, dad to KT student Aaron, donated his time and his firm's services to assist the OBPTO. Thank you!

Counselor Notes
Ever wonder why some children thrive while others get involved in high risk behaviors? Check out A Place to Turn To's featured video on the 40 Developmental Assets That Help Your Child Thrive.

Office Notes/Early Pick-up
Recently we have noticed a lot of students being picked up early at the end of the day. Please note that the school day does not end until 3:45 and students are still receiving important instructional time until school dismisses. Also, please keep in mind that leaving early does affect your child’s attendance and those minutes do add up. Please be mindful of this when making appointments for your child.

OB's Got Character
March's Character Word of the Month
at OB is
KINDNESS. We are kicking off a Kindness Campaign and KINDly ask all Old Bonhomme Families to join in! Life is full of choices and we ask you to "raise your hand" and pledge to Choose Kindness by decorating a handprint (provided in your child's Friday Folders this week). All OB family members are encouraged to take the pledge (OB parents, siblings, staff members, etc.). Decorated handprints should be cut out and returned to the front office as soon as possible. We are hoping more than a "handful" of OB families will join in on our Kindness Campaign and pledge to Choose Kindness! Be on the lookout around the building for all of the handprints to "bloom" into something special just in time for Spring! Additional handprints will be available in the office if needed. Thank
KINDly for considering!

Birthday Club Fees
Parents, we still have 83 students that have not paid the $10 fee for the monthly birthday treat that students receive from Chartwells to celebrate all of the birthdays each month. In order for this program to be a success we need 100% participation. If your child still owes a birthday fee, you will be receiving a notice from your child’s teacher during your parent/teacher conference next week. Thank you in advance for sending in those payments so we can continue the celebrations through the end of the school year.

Passport Night
Come Travel Around the World at Passport Night! Here at Old Bonhomme Elementary School at 6:30–8p.m. TONIGHT! Entertainment will start at 7:30p.m. Contact Kelly O’Donnel with any questions at 314-369-5573. Hope to see you all there!

Rythym & Hues-LEF Spring Art Event
Join us for an evening of art, musical entertainment, and hors d’oeuvres!
Proceeds to benefit students and staff of the Ladue School District. Saturday, March 28, 7-11p.m. SHOCK CITY STUDIOS--A hip, newly renovated venue in Benton Park.

ARTWORK by renowned professional artists and Ladue School District students will
be available for purchase. To preview artwork, visit:
ADMISSION is $50 per person.
Visit: to purchase online, questions -or- 314.983.5334

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Remember that Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held next week on Tuesday and Thursday. Did you know you can also schedule a time with one of your child's special area teachers? Our Art, Music, PE, Spanish, Library, and Technology Integration Coach are all available during the conference times. You can stop by their classroom or schedule ahead to be sure he/she is available at a time convenient to your other conferences. Their email addresses are listed below:
Lisa Roth-Art
Tim Hearn-Music
Connie Jander-PE
Matt Prange-PE
Anton Martin- Spanish (available on 3/12)
Susan Kelley-Library
Patricia Brown- Technology Integration Coach

The Ladue School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, socioeconomic status, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs or activities. Inquiries related to the district’s employment practices may be directed to Ken Rossics, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources. Inquiries related to district student programs may be directed to Dr. Laura Brock, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction. Both administrators can be reached at Ladue Schools Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road, Saint Louis, MO 63124; 314-994-7080.