Friday, August 30, 2013

Weekly News 8-30


2- NO SCHOOL- Labor Day
3- 3-4 Curriculum Night, (Parents Only)

11- OBPTO Mtg.- Cafeteria, 9:15a.m. 13- Early Dismissal,1:15p.m.

Don't Forget- PTO Dues are due on Sept. 9. The PTO spends about $150 per child annually which includes fine arts field trips, Arts Partners Assemblies, and mini grants for teachers. Every dollar helps, so please give generously. Thank you!

Girls on the Run- (For Girls in 3rd and 4th Grade)Registration is open and will remain open until Wed., Sept. 4 at 5p.m. Registration is NOT on a first come first serve basis. If we go over 17 for enrollment we will use a lottery system. You can go to the website to register. Scholarship requests can be made during the online registration process and will be kept completely confidential. Classes will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:55-5:00p.m.
Entertainment Book- We hope you’ve had time to look at all the great deals in the Entertainment book. If you want to purchase the book, simply return a check for $30 made out to OBPTO in the envelope provided. Additional books can be purchased by completing the order form on the envelope and enclosing your payment or they can be purchased online. Finally, if you are not interested, please return the book in the provided bag to your child's classroom teacher. The sale ends Fri., Sept. 6. Sell 5 books and receive a free book. Questions? contact Thanks for your support! Sponsored by OBPTO.
Infinite Campus Parent Portal- We are beginning to register our parents for
access to Infinite Campus, our student information system. If you have an account for an older student in Ladue you do not need to register. This allows parents to check and update contact information and in the near future you will be able to access your child’s report cards. When your child is in middle and high school you’ll also have access to assignments, grades, and attendance information. Our goal is to have everyone registered by winter break.
Parent Portal Request Form- Request Forms to sign up for the Parent Portal in Infinite Campus are going home with 3rd-4th grade students today. Parents should complete this form and bring it with them to Curriculum Night (you may want to come 10-15 minutes early so you are not late for your classroom teacher’s presentation). You will also need to provide your photo ID to be given a log-in code. Depending upon the number registering there may not be time for everyone to get through the process on this night. Alternative options are stopping by the office during a school day or taking care of it during Parent-Teacher Conferences later this Fall.