Friday, May 23, 2014

OB Weekly News 5-23

23 Last Day of School! (Full Day) 
30 Report Cards Mailed
Important August Dates:
6 Back-to-School Packet Pick-up 7:30-12p.m.
(Packets that are not picked up will be available in the classroom on Meet the Teacher Night).
11 Kdg. Orientation, 10a.m.
Meet the Teacher Night, 5p.m.
OBPTO Welcome Back BBQ Social, 5:30p.m.

13 First Day of School!
Office Summer Hours
During the Summer, the school office will be open Monday-Thursday. If you know someone who is new to the area, or have an incoming kindergartner, call 993-0656 to schedule an appointment for registration.
SOAR Recognition
OB students did it.... they SOARed past their goal of 5,000 SOAR tickets and each had the opportunity to SOAK Mrs. K or another staff member in the dunking booth during their recess time. Ask your child to tell you all about it!
OB's Got Character
Please be sure to check for your
child's SOARing Into Summer calendar that came home on bright yellow paper. It encourages character-building activities for students and their families throughout the summer. Please consider being OPEN-MINDED and participating this summer!
All students had a special visit about the calendar from one of their possible teachers for next year. They all seemed excited
about participating, and are looking forward to returning the completed calendar to their new teacher during the first week of school next year.

End of Year Principal’s Report
This year has been amazing! The learning, teaching, and fun all added up to a year that was absolutely outstanding. The Old Bonhomme staff is the hardest working group of talented professionals. Along with some relaxing this summer, many will be working on classroom ideas for next year, professional development in writing, and social-emotional supports for all students. Our students make me smile everyday with their positive attitude about school, and our parents are truly committed to working in partnership with the school. I look forward to seeing you next year. Have a great summer break!
Mrs. Kirchgessner
The Ladue School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, socioeconomic status, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs or activities. Inquiries related to the district’s employment practices may be directed to Ken Rossics, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources. Inquiries related to district student programs may be directed to Dr. Laura Brock, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction. Both administrators can be reached at Ladue Schools Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road, Saint Louis, MO 63124; 314-994-7080. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

OB Weekly News 5-16

21- 4th Gr. Party Celebration, 11-3p.m. 
22- 4th Gr. Transition Ceremony, 7p.m. 
23- Last Day of School! (Full Day)
30- Report Cards Mailed

A huge thank you to Steven Player and the Dad's Club for the delicious burgers and hot dogs at the Old Bonhomme School Picnic last Friday.
SOAR Recognition
We are excited to announce our BIG end of the year SOAR Recognition Celebration! If we reach a grand total of 5,000 SOAR tickets as a school, each student will have 2 chances
to SOAK Mrs. K or another staff member during their recess time on Wednesday, May 21. Since 4th grade will be at Stacy Park that day, special arrangements have been made for them to come back over to OB to take their chance.
All SOAR tickets are being turned in to the "dunking booth" by the front office. There will no longer be a box to turn them in for a weekly drawing, and the Eagle's Nest is closed for the year.
If your child has been saving up their SOAR tickets, NOW is the time for them to turn them in! This year's SOAR tickets will not be good

next year. Next year, we will have new
SOAR tickets! So encourage your child to gather all their SOAR tickets and turn them in so we can be closer to reaching the 5,000 SOAR ticket mark!

OB's Got Character
This month's character word at OB is OPEN- MINDEDNESS. In 2013, Old Bonhomme was given a Promising Practices award for
our SOARing Into Summer calendar, encouraging character-building activities for students and their families throughout the summer. Please consider being OPEN-MINDED and participating this summer!

Be on the look-out for this summer's SOARing into Summer calendar coming home next week (on bright yellow paper). We encourage everyone to stay cool while showing good character this summer and participating in a character building activity each week in June and July!
Please initial at the end of each week that an activity has been completed, and return the calendar during the first week of school next year!
To All Parents: Please remember to pick up all medications in my medical office for your children by the last day of school, May 23. Medications can not be sent home with students. Any questions, please call me at 314-983-5544. Have a great summer! Roxanne Comens, RN
The Ladue School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, socioeconomic status, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs or activities. Inquiries related to the district’s employment practices may be directed to Ken Rossics, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources. Inquiries related to district student programs may be directed to Dr. Laura Brock, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction. Both administrators can be reached at Ladue Schools Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road, Saint Louis, MO 63124; 314-994-7080. 

Friday, May 9, 2014


7-16 Due Care Backpack Buddy Collection
9- OB School Picnic, 4:30-7:30p.m.
13- All-District Strings Concert @ FGC, 7p.m. 

14- Walk in the Park (during PE)
14- OBPTO Mtg. 11a.m.
21- 4th Gr. Celebration, 11-3p.m.
22- 4th Gr. Transition Ceremony, 7p.m.

 23- Last Day of School! (Full Day)
Dismissal on May 9
To facilitate set-up of the school picnic, car riders will be supervised for pick-up at Stacy Park. Dismissal will be at the usual time. Please remember, as always, no cars are permitted in the front circle between 3:00-4:00p.m.
Thank you so much to Kelly Becker and her Teacher Appreciation committee for planning great activities for Teacher Appreciation Week!
Thanks also goes to Lisa Hirshberg and Melissa Klein and the Spring Picnic Committee for everything they did to ensure a fantastic end-of-year celebration! The OBPTO hopes to see you all tonight - the party will go on rain or shine!

And keep your eyes out for the 2013-2014 OB Yearbook! Many thanks to Lauren Brown for capturing OB students on film and creating a beautiful keepsake!
Thank you to Jennifer Scissors for chairing Chess Club this year!

Backpack Buddy program
Many of our district children rely on free or reduced cost meals at school. For these children, weekends and summer break are o9en filled with hunger, as their families struggle to provide meals for them.
May 7th through May 16th
Due Care will be hos6ng a drive for FOOD and Toiletries.

How can you help?

Volunteer to help assemble the items the week aFer the drive.
Donate grocery giF cards to allow families to purchase fresh items. (Place in an envelope, marked Due Care and leave with your school’s front office aLendant)
Donate items listed below. All items should be non-­‐perishable.

100% juice and non refrigerated milk boxes
Oatmeal (box with individual packages)
Single serve boxes of cereal
Almond buBer or peanut buBer, jelly, in non glass containers. Canned soups and chili
Canned vegetables
Apple sauce and fruit cups
Canned spagheG or ravioli
Individual bags of goldfish, pretzels or other snacks
Pudding and Jello cups
Granola bars
Fruit snacks
Dry pasta
Canned or non glass sauces, meat sauces or tomato sauces
Chicken or tuna kits, porches or cans
Toiletries items – Toothpaste, shampoo and condiRoner, body wash, deodorant, detergents, toilet paper
Each of our schools will have a drop off container – marked “DUE CARE ITEMS “ All items will help families within our own community.
QuesKons -­‐ Contact:
Diane Patershuk – 314-­‐477-­‐7673 or Kelly Shevitz Hold the date – December 6, 2014 for the 4th Annual “HOLIDUE BOUTIQUE”. If you are interested in helping plan the event, secure top vendors, or share ideas, please contact Diane Patershuk – 314-­‐477-­‐7673 or
District-­‐wide commi\ee members: Tricia Soncasie-­‐co-­‐chair, Lynda Rater-­‐ Treasurer, Lynn Saunders, Karen Barker, Nancy Weinreich, Connie Dunkle, Amy Dove, Emily Dove, Alex Patershuk, Kathy Schehl, Ellen FuBerman, Donna Coble, Linda Wielansky, Claudia Krasnoff, Ellen Wilkinson, Leigh Ann Allard. Interested in being on the commiBee? Contact us; we would love your help!
The Ladue School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, socioeconomic status, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs or activities. Inquiries related to the district’s employment practices may be directed to Ken Rossics, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources. Inquiries related to district student programs may be directed to Dr. Laura Brock, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction. Both administrators can be reached at Ladue Schools Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road, Saint Louis, MO 63124; 314-994-7080. 

Friday, May 2, 2014

OB Weekly News 5-2

2- Early Dismissal, Prof. Dev. 1:15p.m.
6- 2nd Gr. Musical, 7p.m.
7- 2nd Gr. Zoo Field Trip,
8- 4th Gr. Visit to 5th Gr. Center, 9:30-11a.m. 

9- OB School Picnic, 4:30-7:30p.m.
13- All-District Strings Concert @ FGC, 7p.m. 
14- Walk in the Park (during PE)
Principal NOTES
We have some exciting news that I would love to share with you. We have filled our two open teaching positions with wonderfully experienced teachers. It's not often a principal gets to recruit two 2014 Teachers of the Year from other schools, but this was an exceptional year for applications! These two also bring with them Ladue connections and a breadth of experiences. Here's a bit of an introduction and I know you'll join me in welcoming them to Old Bonhomme.

Going into 4th Grade will be Jennifer Strub. Jen actually did a long term leave for Stephanie Chapie at OB in 4th grade and a Reed Gifted/Enrichment teacher's leave in 2004. That's where she met her fiance - Tom Hadfield, a former Reed teacher and now FGC PE teacher. She has many years of 4th and 5th grade teaching experience, having taught 2 years in Bayless School District, and the last 7 years in Rockwood. She's been a leader in PLC, Parent Engagement, Curriculum writing, Character Education-Leader in Me, Service Learning, and received numerous awards and recognition.

Going into First Grade will be Lisa Schreiner. Lisa has 18 years of experience with the majority of years teaching in Kindergarten and First Grade in the Hazelwood School District. Two of her former principals are both administrators who worked as teachers for Mrs. K, or with her as administrators, and couldn't say enough positive things about her work with students, parents and colleagues. She has a wealth of experiences common to our work, including work with ELL learners, Assessment Literacy, PBIS, International Nights, Culturally Responsive Teaching, Social Committee, Kagan trainer, Science Fair, mentoring, and has also received numerous grants and recognition. Her Ladue connections include her husband, Chris, the Reed Principal, and her two children who attend Spoede School.

As we say hello to some new faces next year, it saddens me to have to say goodbye to a familiar face around Old Bonhomme as well. Our devoted nurse, Roxanne Comens, has announced that she will be retiring after this school year. She will be greatly missed around here, but we wish her the best in starting a new chapter of her life!

Dismissal on Friday, May 9
To facilitate set-up of the school picnic, car riders will be supervised for pick-up at Stacy Park. Dismissal will be at the usual time. Please remember, as always, no cars are permitted in the front circle between 3:00-4:00p.m.

The Ladue School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, socioeconomic status, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs or activities. Inquiries related to the district’s employment practices may be directed to Ken Rossics, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources. Inquiries related to district student programs may be directed to Dr. Laura Brock, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction. Both administrators can be reached at Ladue Schools Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road, Saint Louis, MO 63124; 314-994-7080.