Friday, May 9, 2014


7-16 Due Care Backpack Buddy Collection
9- OB School Picnic, 4:30-7:30p.m.
13- All-District Strings Concert @ FGC, 7p.m. 

14- Walk in the Park (during PE)
14- OBPTO Mtg. 11a.m.
21- 4th Gr. Celebration, 11-3p.m.
22- 4th Gr. Transition Ceremony, 7p.m.

 23- Last Day of School! (Full Day)
Dismissal on May 9
To facilitate set-up of the school picnic, car riders will be supervised for pick-up at Stacy Park. Dismissal will be at the usual time. Please remember, as always, no cars are permitted in the front circle between 3:00-4:00p.m.
Thank you so much to Kelly Becker and her Teacher Appreciation committee for planning great activities for Teacher Appreciation Week!
Thanks also goes to Lisa Hirshberg and Melissa Klein and the Spring Picnic Committee for everything they did to ensure a fantastic end-of-year celebration! The OBPTO hopes to see you all tonight - the party will go on rain or shine!

And keep your eyes out for the 2013-2014 OB Yearbook! Many thanks to Lauren Brown for capturing OB students on film and creating a beautiful keepsake!
Thank you to Jennifer Scissors for chairing Chess Club this year!

Backpack Buddy program
Many of our district children rely on free or reduced cost meals at school. For these children, weekends and summer break are o9en filled with hunger, as their families struggle to provide meals for them.
May 7th through May 16th
Due Care will be hos6ng a drive for FOOD and Toiletries.

How can you help?

Volunteer to help assemble the items the week aFer the drive.
Donate grocery giF cards to allow families to purchase fresh items. (Place in an envelope, marked Due Care and leave with your school’s front office aLendant)
Donate items listed below. All items should be non-­‐perishable.

100% juice and non refrigerated milk boxes
Oatmeal (box with individual packages)
Single serve boxes of cereal
Almond buBer or peanut buBer, jelly, in non glass containers. Canned soups and chili
Canned vegetables
Apple sauce and fruit cups
Canned spagheG or ravioli
Individual bags of goldfish, pretzels or other snacks
Pudding and Jello cups
Granola bars
Fruit snacks
Dry pasta
Canned or non glass sauces, meat sauces or tomato sauces
Chicken or tuna kits, porches or cans
Toiletries items – Toothpaste, shampoo and condiRoner, body wash, deodorant, detergents, toilet paper
Each of our schools will have a drop off container – marked “DUE CARE ITEMS “ All items will help families within our own community.
QuesKons -­‐ Contact:
Diane Patershuk – 314-­‐477-­‐7673 or Kelly Shevitz Hold the date – December 6, 2014 for the 4th Annual “HOLIDUE BOUTIQUE”. If you are interested in helping plan the event, secure top vendors, or share ideas, please contact Diane Patershuk – 314-­‐477-­‐7673 or
District-­‐wide commi\ee members: Tricia Soncasie-­‐co-­‐chair, Lynda Rater-­‐ Treasurer, Lynn Saunders, Karen Barker, Nancy Weinreich, Connie Dunkle, Amy Dove, Emily Dove, Alex Patershuk, Kathy Schehl, Ellen FuBerman, Donna Coble, Linda Wielansky, Claudia Krasnoff, Ellen Wilkinson, Leigh Ann Allard. Interested in being on the commiBee? Contact us; we would love your help!
The Ladue School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, socioeconomic status, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs or activities. Inquiries related to the district’s employment practices may be directed to Ken Rossics, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources. Inquiries related to district student programs may be directed to Dr. Laura Brock, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction. Both administrators can be reached at Ladue Schools Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road, Saint Louis, MO 63124; 314-994-7080.