Friday, April 24, 2015

OB Weekly News 4-24

24- 4th Gr. Girls Mixer @ FGC, 7-8:30p.m. 
28- 2nd Gr. Zoo Trip, 9-2p.m.
Show Choir Field Trip, 9-12p.m. 

All-District Choir Concert, 7p.m.
1- Early Dismissal, 1:15p.m. Prof. Dev. 
OBPTO Spring Fling-4:30-7:30p.m.
3- 4th Gr. Boys Mixer @ FGC, 3-4:30p.m. 

5- 2nd Gr. Musical, 7p.m.
7- Principal’s Picnic (during lunches)
Give STL Day
On Tuesday, May 5, help support the Ladue Education Foundation by showing our teachers how much we appreciate all their hard work and make a donation online in honor of your favorite teacher(s) at (search for Ladue Education Foundation). What can we do in a day? That is what the Greater St. Louis Community Foundation and over 500 nonprofits in the St. Louis area will be trying to find out. Give STL Day is a 24-hour giving event beginning at 12 a.m. on May 5, and Ladue Education Foundation is one of the designated nonprofits! Anyone can make a donation online by simply searching for Ladue Education Foundation at The minimum donation for Give STL Day is $10, and because it all takes place online, donations can be made easily and securely from anywhere throughout the day. To show your commitment to make a donation in honor of your favorite teacher(s) on Tuesday, May 5, make sure you mark “interested” on the Facebook event page at
Any questions, please reach out to Erin Katke at 314-853-8211 or

Art News
The Spring Art Show/Open House was a big success! Thanks to all the friends and families who visited OB to view the magnificent works of art on display Tuesday night. It's always my favorite night seeing the art and the community together!
If you had a conflict and were not able to attend the art show, artwork will be on display for 2 weeks (minus the 3-D work in the art studio) so please stop in as you drop-off or pick-up your artist. We worked very hard this year; Art should be admired and appreciated, come see us shine!
A special thanks to Jenny Kissell, Kelly Bock, Anne Denman-Schlamb, Mr. Schlamb, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Packard for all their help matting, labeling and organizing artwork. A heavy duty thank you to Mr. Woolfolk for carrying up all the display boards from the boiler room! I could never have done it without all of you!
Hats off to Mrs. Brown for all of her tech savvy, getting our QR codes ready in the Computer Lab. Thank you to all the 4th grade teachers for facilitating poetry in conjunction with the 4th grade artwork for their QR codes. It's great to connect in so many ways. And thanks to all the staff who gave up their bulletin boards and display spaces for art's sake!
This year we collected $1410.00 in BoxTops money. I am so grateful to all the families who have clipped, counted and saved for our art program. This night highlights how valuable the extra money is for our program and supplies. On another note, the Art Studio is in need of new water buckets. I need large yogurt containers size 28-32 oz. After 16 years my water buckets are all getting cracked and breaking! Thank you OB community! Love, Mrs. Roth
La'Due It 5K and 1-mile Fun Run
We hope to see you at the La'Due It 5K and 1- mile Fun Run this weekend - Sunday, April 26! On-site registration begins at 7:45a.m. The 5K race time is 9a.m. The Fun Run will follow at approximately 10a.m. This event is brought to you by the district P.E. Department and Wellness Committee.

The Ladue School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, socioeconomic status, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs or activities. Inquiries related to the district’s employment practices may be directed to Ken Rossics, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources. Inquiries related to district student programs may be directed to Dr. Laura Brock, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction. Both administrators can be reached at Ladue Schools Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road, Saint Louis, MO 63124; 314-994-7080.