Friday, May 22, 2015

OB Weekly News 5-22

22- Last day for students (3:45 dismissal) 
29- Report Cards mailed
6- Back-to-School Packet Pick-up, 12-3p.m.
(Packets not picked up will be available in the classroom on Meet the Teacher Night)
7- Kdg. Orientation, 10-11a.m.
Meet the Teacher Night, 4-5:30p.m. 

OBPTO Welcome Back BBQ Social, 5p.m. 
11- First Day of School!
Library News
For the first time ever, the Old Bonhomme Library will be open for family check outs this summer! Visit us Mondays, June 1 through July 27(closed July 6) from 9:00 am -11:00 am. You are invited to visit the OB Library, enjoy a few good books, and then check out a few to enjoy at home! We hope lots of OB families take advantage of this convenient way to keep good books in the hands of our fantastic readers this summer!
NOtes from the nurse
If your child has medication in the health office, please make arrangements to pick it up by the last day of school. For safety reasons, medication cannot be sent home with a child. According to policy, all unclaimed medication must be discarded.
Thank you, and have a great summer!
Counselor Notes
Olweus Bully Prevention Program End of the Year Wrap Up
Check out the Olweus page to see our end of the year report. In addition, you will find program details, articles, the Friendship Bench song, and committee member information.
Our committee is looking forward to continuing to work with students, parents, and teachers next year to build the program and make OB an even better place to learn.
PTO News
Thank you to Erin Katke and Lisa Hirshberg for chairing the 4th grade transition party! Despite the weather, a great time was had by all!
Thank you to Dana Sandweiss for coordinating baked goods for the 4th grade Transition Ceremony. The 4th grade families appreciated the support of the 3rd grade!
Finally, a HUGE thank you to all of you! Whether you chaired a committee, came to an event, or volunteered in your child’s classroom, your time and support mean so much to the OBPTO. Planning is already underway for next year, so keep an eye on your email over the next few months. The OBPTO wishes you a wonderful summer filled with lots of great activities and great memories!
Thank you so much to the 2014-15 Old Bonhomme PTO Officers and Executive Committee: Marissa Rosen, Becky Marbarger, Sara Brunnquell, Katie Tipton, Cindy Follman, Stacy Jurgiel, Hillary Hinz, Amy Fischer and Lisa Hirshberg who spent countless hours giving their time to the OBPTO. Thank you so much to these amazingly dedicated volunteers.
The OBPTO is excited to announce the slate of officers for the 2015-16 OBPTO President-Becky Marbarger
VP Fundraising - Cindy Follman

VP Events - Jen Jim
Treasurer- Sara Brunnquell
Assistant Treasurer - Katie Tipton Recording Secretary - Sharon Parks Corresponding Secretary - Hillary Hinz
PDC Representatives - Stacy Jurgiel and Lisa Hirshberg

OB's Got Character!
We've successfully SOARed through another school year! The 2014-15 school year was the SORT of year we want to remember! Did your child share with you their SOARing Up experience? On Monday, students participated in Soar Up, a transition activity to help them learn a little bit more about how next year will be. Students had an opportunity to visit a classroom in the next grade level and hear from each one of that grade level's teachers a little bit about themselves, what they will learn next year, what special activities/events will take place, how the next grade level differs from the one they just completed and what teachers will expect from them next year. If you have not already, we encourage you to ask your child to share with you about what they learned!
Coming home today in Friday Folders, on bright orange paper, is a copy of our
annual SOARing Into Summer Calendar. To go along with May's Character Word of the Month, OPEN-MINDEDNESS, we are encouraging all families to be OPEN-MINDED about staying cool this summer while showing good character by participating in a character building activity each week in June and July. Please initial at the end of each week an activity is completed and return the calendar during the first week of school next year! Additional copies of the calendar are available in the front office and can also be accessed through our OB website.

Lost and Found
Parents, please don’t forget to check the Lost and Found, lost items have been hung up in the middle hallway. Also, be sure to check the office for small items like glasses, keys, or cell phones. All unclaimed items will be donated over the Summer.
High School Ranking
On May 12, 2015, U.S. News & World Report released their "2015 Best High Schools" list. As in years past, Ladue Horton Watkins High School (LHWHS) did not appear in the rankings due to the methodology used. There is a link on the district's website with a more detailed explanation and why we anticipate appearing on this list beginning in 2018.
Rock n’ Bowl for Old Bonhomme 
Volunteers needed, don’t STRIKE OUT! Would you like to get involved with the OBPTO’s biggest fundraiser on October 10? You can help as little or as much as you want! We will start preparing over the summer. We need help with the following: Auction Solicitation, Publicity, Decorations, Teacher and Staff Liaisons, Set-up, Check-in, Clean-up, Raffle Ticket Sales, and more! You can click the following link to go to our SignUpGenius page to get involved.
For any questions, contact Sarah Glasser at
The Ladue School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, socioeconomic status, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs or activities. Inquiries related to the district’s employment practices may be directed to Ken Rossics, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources. Inquiries related to district student programs may be directed to Dr. Laura Brock, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction. Both administrators can be reached at Ladue Schools Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road, Saint Louis, MO 63124; 314-994-7080.