Friday, December 4, 2015

OB Weekly News 12-4

11- 4th Gr. to LMS, 9-10:30 a.m.
Kdg. Field Trip , 9:20-11:30 a.m.
Early Dismissal @ 1:15 p.m., Prof. Dev. 

15- 4th Gr. Performance, 7 p.m.
16- Walk in the Park (during P.E.)
18- Winter Performance, 9:30 a.m. 

Winter Parties, 10 a.m.
Early Dismissal @ 1:15 p.m., Records Day 

End of Quarter 2
21-Jan.4- NO SCHOOL- Winter Break

Gift Card Fundraiser
Here is your answer to great holiday gifts for teachers, friends and family. Stock up on gift cards while also supporting OB! Go to and click register, then click join a scrip program. Enter the Old Bonhomme Enrollment Code: LLBE91BA358L1. Do not enter your home address, gift cards will be mailed to OB. Please have all orders completed and checks delivered to OB Office no later than Friday, 12/11. Cards will be delivered the week of 12/14. Look for more details via Peachjar, OBPTO Facebook page, OBPTO Email blast or email Courtney Swillinger at or Dana Sandweiess at with any questions.
PDC Briefs
Below are highlights from last months Parent District Council meeting.
December 14, the board will decide how much the bond will be for the high school renovation. Interested parties are encouraged to attend. See the district website for more details on the new math curriculum, character education, and parental involvement, in addition to past PDC minutes.
OB's Got Character
There were a lot of SMILING faces last week during our second Class Buddy Time! Students met with fellow students in their buddy class(es) to learn about Choosing to Be Nice to others that are different from them. We started off the lesson by sharing the definition of the word diversity, which means being different than others, and emphasized that IT’S OKAY TO BE DIFFERENT! We then read the book, It’s Okay to Be Different, by Todd Parr. After hearing the book, we began a discussion comparing ways we are similar to our Class Buddies, then ways we are different from our Class Buddies. It was great to share our commonalities and celebrate our differences! Then we reflected on the questions, Has anyone ever made you feel especially good or bad about one of your differences? If so, how did you react? What do you like most about one of your differences? How should you treat others that are different than you? After reflection/ discussion time, we engaged in a partnership activity to further celebrate our differences. We wrapped up the lesson by relating it back to the importance of Choosing To Be Nice to people that are different from you. Please consider having a family discussion about the differences among your family members and take some time to celebrate those differences. Please feel free to click on the following link to hear a narrated version of the Todd Parr book before or after your discussions! We are looking forward to our next Class Buddy Time in January.

LEF Spring Event
Save the date for “Rhythm & Hues,” on April 8, 20167-11 pm. With its focus on music and live performance this year, in addition to featuring original art, Ladue Education Foundation’s Spring Event is shaping up to be an evening no one will want to miss!

If you’re interested in sponsoring or volunteering, contact Amy Barnett for more information at, 314-737-6025. 
The Ladue School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, socioeconomic status, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs or activities. Inquiries related to the district’s employment practices may be directed to Ken Rossics, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources. Inquiries related to district student programs may be directed to Dr. Derrick Wallace, Director of Student Services. Both administrators can be reached at Ladue Schools Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road, Saint Louis, MO 63124; 314-994-7080.