Friday, October 9, 2015

OB Weekly News 9-9

9- Early Dismissal- @ 1:15 p.m.
End of Quarter 1
10- Bowling Event, Adult Fundraiser 7-11 p.m. 

13- 3rd Gr. Performance, 7 p.m.
14- Diversity Mtg. 5:30 p.m.
15- Picture Retake Day
18- Play Day at the “Piece Playce,” 1-3 p.m. 

20- Parent/Teacher Conferences, 4-9 p.m.
21- Walk in the Park (during PE)
22- Early Dismissal, 1:15 p.m.
Parent Teacher Conferences, 1:30-7 p.m.
23- NO SCHOOL- Conference Compensation day

Auction Update
We indadvertedly left off a name of one of the very helpful auction committee members, Anna Molina. Without her we would not have had so many wonderful online auction items.
The online auction has been extended to Friday at 9:00 pm!
You must register at in order to place bids.
This is your only opportunity to bid on class art projects and individual teacher experiences as well as a vacation home, sporting events, local goodies and so much more. Do not miss out!!!! These items will not be available at the event! Sponsored by the OBPTO
Any questions, email Sarah Glasser at
Please Join the Diversity Committee!
The Diversity Committee will be having their first meeting on Wednesday, October 14 at 5:30p.m. in the conference room at Old Bonhomme. All are welcome, come share your thoughts and ideas to help make our school a better place!
Lunch at OB
We are always happy to have parents join us for lunch! At the beginning of the year, when students have assigned seats and are learning the cafeteria routines, you and your student will sit at a private table so it doesn’t upset the routine for others sitting where assigned. If you want, the student you are joining may invite up to two additional students. More than two makes others feel left out. At this point in the year, several grade levels (second-fourth) have earned the privilege of free seating at their classroom table so you may join your child anywhere at their classroom table and there should be plenty of room for everyone.
After lunch, please say good-bye and the student will walk back with his or her class and teacher. At that time, please remember to sign out in the office.
Parent Volunteers Needed
Dear Parents,
We are looking for a few parent volunteers who can help with a SOAR event on October 16 from 12:50-3:10 p.m. You would help run some carnival games and supervise students as they enjoy the carnival.
Please let Stephanie Chapie know if you are available to help, We really appreciate your assistance in making our first SOAR event of the year a success!
Picture Retakes
Picture Retake day will be on Thursday, October 15. If your child was absent on picture day, please make sure you fill out a picture order form, which are available in the office, or go to and use Picture Day ID: JO015099Y1. If your child is having their picture retaken they must return the original picture package to the photographer on picture day.
Square One Art
Look for a custom catalog that displays your child’s artwork coming home soon!

Innisbrook Thank You
Thanks to everyone who supported the OBPTO Innisbrook Fundraiser! Every purchase helped, and we are appreciative of everyone’s time, effort and dollars to support the OBPTO and the great programs/events we are able to provide to our OB community as a result. We exceeded our sales from last year, and products will be delivered to the school for pick-up in mid-October. Once we know the delivery schedule, we’ll announce the specific times/ dates for pick-up. If you feel like you missed out, you can still order online at Questions? Cindy Follman, or Jamie Cacciabando,
Play Day at the “Piece Playce”
That's right! The “Piece Playce” is open! Come on over and play!
Note: Coach Jander will be present to supervise, but this is not a drop-off event. A parent or guardian is required to be present -- and must agree to stay out of the kids' way, sit back, and watch the magic of creative play unfold. To learn more about the “Piece Playce” scan the QR Code below:

After-School Enrichment Classes
It was a great first week of After-School Classes, and we hope your children had as much fun as the teachers did! Just a quick reminder to all the parents that students must be picked up from the classroom by 4:55. Please be respectful of our parent volunteers and be on time. Any children not picked up will be taken to BASK and the parent charged accordingly for the late pick-up. If the problem continues your child may be removed from the After-School Class. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Nominate your Teacher or Principal & win a
visit from Rampage & Cheerleaders
Elementary students can win a Rams Pride visit on a Friday before a Sunday game by writing a short note about the unique qualities of their favorite educator. Learn more about the program and apply by clicking here.  
As the webpage will explain, the Rams will visit one (1) elementary school the Friday before each home game, with the exception of our Thursday Night Football game. The concept is to award an outstanding teacher and/or administrator with a visit from Rampage and Rams cheerleaders. The visits are a blast for the kids and usually last about 30-45 minutes.
From the Counselor
Visit our Olweus blog to find out more about our Bully Prevention program at Old Bonhomme. Read our Parent Advice article to learn about your role in reinforcing the program at home whether your child is displaying bullying behavior or feeling like they are being bullied.
The Ladue School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, socioeconomic status, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, disability, age or any other characteristic protected by law in its programs or activities. Inquiries related to the district’s employment practices may be directed to Ken Rossics, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources. Inquiries related to district student programs may be directed to Dr. Derrick Wallace, Director of Student Services. Both administrators can be reached at Ladue Schools Administrative Center, 9703 Conway Road, Saint Louis, MO 63124; 314-994-7080.